Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Twitter’s iOS Upgrades Are Awkward, Helpful [REVIEW]

When you load up Twitter’s iPad update for the first time, chances are you’re going to think there’s something wrong.

The updated version of the iPad app abandons Twitter’s card-style layout — where tapping on a tweet would make it swipe in from the right side of the screen — for a much more space-filled design. Your navigation is limited to tapping on the four tabs on the side of the screen.

The space on the side of the tweets for your profile is uncomfortable, and the overall impression is that the app isn’t resizing properly to fit your tablet’s screen.

Design quibbles aside, Twitter has packed a number of enhancements into the iPad version of the app that will ultimately make you forgive its less-than-sexy look.
Photos and article summaries linked from tweets appear and disappear with a tap. This is a smooth and fast experience that definitely impresses on either device. 

An extra tap makes photos full-screen — so you can get an up-close-and-personal look at that cheeseburger your friend is having for dinner.

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